IowaFRW Gears Up for Strike Force Weekend Oct. 14-15
Republican Women Plan Boots-on-the-Ground Strategy for Nov. 8 Election
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022) – Iowa Federation of Republican Women members across the state will join forces with the Republican Party of Iowa and the National Federation of Republican Women to put boots on the ground for Strike Force weekend, Friday-Saturday, Oct. 14-15.
“Republican Women work year-round to elect Republicans but the Strike Force weekend is when we concentrate our efforts to make sure our conservative candidates win their races on November 8th,” said IowaFRW President Barbara Hames-Bryant, from Cedar Rapids.
Regional GOP offices are located in each of Iowa’s four congressional districts, with highly competitive national races in the first, second, and third districts.
“For this election cycle, we will have IowaFRW members work from West Des Moines, Davenport, and Cedar Rapids – or from their homes – to knock doors and make phone calls in support of our candidates,” said Kim Reem, IowaFRW Campaign Committee Chair and a former IowaFRW president and NFRW officer, from Cedar Rapids.
Reem is coordinating efforts in all areas of the state and encourages those interested to check the IowaFRW Facebook page and website for updates or contact her directly at The hashtag #BootsDown will be used on social media to identify Strike Force efforts, Reem noted.
“At a time when Democrats are offering scare tactics and socialist political rhetoric, we are proud to have candidates with proven track records of leadership, service, and results for Iowans. We are excited to put our time and energy into the election efforts of Senator Chuck Grassley, Governor Kim Reynolds, Congresswoman Ashley Hinson, Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks, Congressman Randy Feenstra, and Congressional Candidate Zach Nunn,” said Reem. “I don’t know anyone who is better off today than they were two years ago, and I believe voters will make this clear on November 8th.”
The Iowa Federation of Republican Women ( is the premier organization for uniting the voices and values within the Republican Party, and is part of the National Federation of Republican Women, founded in 1938. The NFRW ( is the largest and most influential women’s political organization in the nation, proudly representing the party that first made it possible for women to vote in the United States, and working to increase the effectiveness and relevance of women in the cause of good government. Our mission is to recruit and elect Republican candidates, promote the principles of the Republican Party, educate the public, and inform the media.