How to Join

Joining is Easy!

Joining the IowaFRW is now easier than ever with online and print options available! You can now submit your information and payment online, ensuring the fastest processing speeds. Local club membership will be determined based on the county listed on your registration form. Our membership dues are $30/year for both Regular and Associate Members.

  • Membership Dues

  • Regular Members shall hold membership in only one Republican Women’s Club, shall be eligible to make motions and vote, to hold office, to serve on committees and act as a delegate to the state (IowaFRW) and national (NFRW) conventions. A Regular Member in good standing is one whose current dues are paid.
    Price: $30.00
  • An Associate Member is a member of another Republican Federated Club. Associate members cannot be counted toward delegate representation, hold office or vote, serve as a committee chairman, or act as a delegate to the state and national conventions. Republican men are welcome and encouraged to become Associate Members.
    Price: $30.00
  • $0.00
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.