Archives: Events

IowaFRW Biennial Convention 2021

Renaissance Marriott Savery Hotel 401 Locust Street, Des Moines, IA, United States

Sign up now for the IowaFRW Convention October 8-9, 2021, in Des Moines, Iowa! The Convention is open to all members of the IowaFRW and clubs across the state. We...

Leadership Training and Board of Directors Meeting

AFP Office 10430 New York Ave., Urbandale, IA, United States

Save the Date!
Learn valuable information about leadership, organization, and communications. Location TBD


Legislative Day – March 23

Republican Party of Iowa 621 E. 9th Street, Des Moines, IA

With Very Special Guest Iowa Governor, Kim Reynolds! Legislative Day will Start out at the Republican Party HQ 621 E. Ninth Street, Des Moines Then travel to the State Capitol....


IowaFRW Spring Conference

Rhythm City Casino, Davenport, IA 7707 Elmore Ave., Davenport, Iowa, United States

2022 Midterm Caucuses and Elections are right around the corner!  Let's hit the ground running with a fun day at the Rhythm City Casino, just off Interstate 80 in Davenport...


IowaFRW Board of Directors Meeting

Terrace Hill, Governor's Residence 2300 Grand Ave., Des Moines, United States

Terrace Hill Historical Site - 2300 Grand Avenue, Des Moines 2:30 PM – Check in for Board of Directors Meeting 2:45 PM – 3:45 PM BOD Meeting Current voting board...


IowaFRW Terrace Hill Summer Soiree

Terrace Hill, Governor's Residence 2300 Grand Ave., Des Moines, United States

Reservations for the Summer Soiree at Terrace Hill are closed. Please contact with any questions. Friday, June 17, 2022 A special event for IowaFRW members and guests only. Terrace Hill Historic...

Red Wave in River City – IowaFRW Fall Conference

Park Inn Hotel, Mason City 15 W. State Street, Mason City, IA, United States

Join us for the IowaFRW Fall Conference in Mason City on Saturday, September 24! 9:30am                         Registration 10:00am                       Board of Directors Meeting with Club Presidents and Committee Chairs Noon                     Welcome – Barbara Hames-Bryant, President Blessing – Barbara Hovland Buffet Lunch, Fork Tender Roast Beef with Gravy, Grilled Chicken Breast, Oven Roasted Veggies, Mashed Potato, Mixed Green...


Strike Force Weekend

Volunteer events all over Iowa. Help get Republicans Elected. More info coming soon

Legislative Day at the Capital

Replublican Party of Iowa 621 E. Ninth Street, Des Moines, IA, United States

Legislative Day will Start out at the Republican Party HQ

621 E. Ninth Street, Des Moines Then travel to the State Capitol. Use the form below to register. 9:30am -  Check-in - Registration – RPI Conference Room 10:00am -  Welcome – IowaFRW President, Barbara Hames-Bryant IowaFRW group photo – Wear Red 10:30am - ...
