Iowa Republican Women Interviewed by Sky News AustraliaBarbaraUncategorizedSky News Australia, based in Washington, D.C., interviewed Iowa Federation of Republican Women members during their biennial convention Oct. 8-9…Read More
New Iowa Club: Northwest Iowa Republican Women!BarbaraUncategorizedThe Iowa Federation of Republican Women proudly announces the formation of another new club, the Northwest Iowa Republican Women. They…Read More
Republican Women Convene in Des Moines Oct. 8-9BarbaraUncategorizedReynolds, Grassley, Iowa Congresswomen to headline convention DES MOINES (Friday, Oct. 1, 2021) – Members of the Iowa Federation of…Read More
Republican Women Announce Splash Bash Sept. 3BarbaraUncategorizedIowaFRW and Young Republicans Sponsor Fundraiser near Ames CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (Thursday, Aug. 19, 2021) – The Iowa Federation of…Read More
Iowa Republican Women Laud Freedom-Based LawsBarbaraUncategorizedGovernor signs bills to preserve life and liberty, reduce tax burden CEDAR RAPIDS (Friday, May 21, 2021) – After nearly…Read More
Governor Headlines IowaFRW Legislative DayBarbaraUncategorizedRepublican Women Bestow Highest Honor Upon Governor Kim Reynolds DES MOINES (Wednesday, March 17, 2021) – The Iowa Federation of…Read More
IowaFRW Support Election Reform LegislationBarbaraUncategorizedNew Election Reform Law Ensures Every Legal Vote is Counted IowaFRW Thanks the Governor and Legislature for Leading on Voter…Read More
IowaFRW member Linda Upmeyer Elected State Party Co-ChairBarbaraUncategorizedIowaFRW Yellow Rose Recipient True Champion of Conservative Values DES MOINES (Monday, January 18, 2021) – Iowa Federation of Republican…Read More
IowaFRW ‘Enthusiastically Support’ Barrett to Supreme CourtBarbaraUncategorizedIowa Republican Women Laud President Trump’s SCOTUS Pick as Victory for Country CEDAR RAPIDS (Oct. 27, 2020) – Iowa Federation…Read More
Republican Women Launch Effort to Make ‘Clean Sweep’ in NovemberBarbaraUncategorizedCEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (Monday, June 29, 2020) – Iowa Federation of Republican Women members from across the state gathered in…Read More